Your satisfaction is very important to us. We appreciate that you have chosen to spend your time with us and want to make sure you, and all our invitees, enjoy their stay. With this in mind, we have outlined some Park and RV site standards to ensure that we maintain a high quality atmosphere here at Firefly Hills and the safety of all our invitees.
Please note that these guidelines and examples are not intended to address all possible situations that may arise. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or text a staff member at 606-208-0993.
Most importantly, we hope you enjoy your stay with us!
General Rules
Check in is at 2pm
Check out is at 11am. Late check out may be available for a fee.
All visitors must be registered.
All park facilities are to be used at your own risk. Firefly Hills is not liable for any injury or damages resulting from uncontrolled circumstances during your stay.
You must be 21 years or older to reserve a RV site, room in the house or Glamping site
Parking in designated areas only.
Drones/UAV’s are not allowed.
Only 2 vehicles are allowed per reservation, additional vehicle/trailer tags may be purchased if space is available. Please let us know in advance if you have additional vehicles/trailers. We may have space for them depending on the size. On the RV sites only the RV and another vehicle are allowed.
RV reservations are guaranteed a site but you will not receive your RV site number until the day before check-in, unless you have used the site lock feature when the reservation was placed.
Quiet hours are 10pm to 8am. (This means that your neighbors should not be able to hear you or your music, TVs, Computers, etc. during these restricted hours.)
Exterior lights that intrude on your neighbors ability to rest must be turned off.
Smoking/Vaping that inhibits your neighbors ability to enjoy their stay is prohibited.
The following are grounds for removal from the property:
Noise; whether mechanical, musical or vocal, that causes a disturbance to other park invitees
Use of foul or indecent language
Causing damage to property of Firefly Hills or another person
Intoxicated disorderly conduct
Failing to follow rules
Failing to follow directions of staff, threatening or abusive behavior
The use of illegal drugs or any other conduct that is not the type of behavior allowed by Kentucky law
Pets are not allowed in the house.
All pets must have vaccination records and must be available upon request
All pets must wear an ID tag identifying the owner
Pets must be kept on a leash, 10’ or less, at all times and under the control of their owner
Pets must not be left tied or otherwise unattended at any time
For the protection of, and in consideration to other persons, noisy, aggressive, vicious, unruly or poisonous pets are not allowed at the park. Persons who are unable to control their pets must remove them from the park or the animal may be taken to/by local animal control authorities.
The owner of any pet is responsible for any injuries or damages caused by their pets. In addition, the owner of any pet that causes injury or damages to another is expected to resolve the issue directly with the injured party. We are not responsible for any injuries or damages caused by pets.
Invitees are responsible for their pets and will “clean up” after them immediately. All pet droppings must be properly disposed of in a trash receptacle.
Pets are not permitted in the public buildings, including but not limited to the bathrooms, recreational room, or house.
Pets will be allowed in certain site casitas. If the pet causes damage the cost of repairs or replacement will be charged to your credit card on file.
Pets are not allowed in the rv rental units.
Service animals may accompany a disabled person without any proof of disability or certification for the service animal. Service animals are permitted in buildings, rental units and other locations where pets are prohibited.
Noxious Activities
No illegal, obnoxious, intimidating or offensive activities shall be conducted at any site, including those that are or could become an unreasonable annoyance or nuisance to neighboring sites.
Smoking/Vaping is absolutely NOT allowed in any of our buildings, including restrooms and rental units. Smoking material must be extinguished in an appropriate fire container. Smoking shall not cause unreasonable annoyance or nuisance to neighboring sites.
Invitees are responsible for all damage or destruction of property, and any injury to persons, caused by the guest or his or her family, visitor or pets. We reserve the right to charge invitees accordingly for any damage they cause to the grounds and/or park facilities, including but not limited to broken waterlines/spigots, damaged/missing sewer connections, landscaping and excessive debris (bottle caps, zip ties, cigarette butts, etc.)
RV Site Standards
We all need to be good neighbors to our fellow invitees! No one likes to stay next to a messy site, and a messy site can be an open invitation to unwanted wildlife. Following are some guidelines to help everyone be a good neighbor in the park:
Safety Guidelines
Sites should be clean and neat, free of fire hazards and clutter
Invitees shall not make any alteration to the electric, water or sewer connections provided by the park
Invitees should adhere to specific legal requirements when connecting to sewer, water and electric services at the park
Invitees should be able to move their RV very quickly in case of emergency
No extra air conditioners, wires, hoses, or cords are allowed except through the OEM port
Tarps, Tents, Shade Structures, Other Structures
Canopy or screen tents and “easy-up”-type structures are for temporary use only, limited to 5 days on the grass
No camping tents allowed
Please do not use a tarp to cover any part of your RV or site
Exterior furnishings should be appropriate for outdoor/camping use. Indoor furnishings including but not limited to sofas, chairs, refrigerators, freezers and kitchen tables are not allowed on your campsite
Flags or signs that provoke “hate” or that target a population negatively are not allowed.
Political flags or of political candidates are not allowed. Flags that contain vulgarity or profanity are not allowed to be displayed at your site or throughout the park. Invitees in violation of this policy will be asked to remove their flag/sign and if they refuse to do so, will be asked to vacate the property without a refund!
RV Standards
The quality of RVs in a park can contribute to or detract from the overall experience of all the invitees. For this reason, we enforce some standards of appearance on RVs, similar to those in place at many other RV resorts and parks.
Our park standard states that “all vehicles must be operable and in good condition.” We think it may be helpful to outline a few items of what is meant by “good condition.”While we can’t provide a list including every possible scenario, following are a few examples that should be helpful:
Doors, shrouds, panels, windows and coverings, etc. should be intact and not unsightly.
Exterior should be free of obvious, poorly-repaired damages.
Tarps cannot be used for weatherproofing and awnings should be in good condition.
All hoses, wires, etc. should route through ports as originally designed.
Exterior should be free of duct tape, repair tape, excessive caulk, etc.
Isolated minor issues are generally acceptable, provided multiple issues aren’t combined to substantially deteriorate the appearance of an RV.
Minor body damage which has been properly repaired but is still visible.
Damage from traveling that has just happened, especially if you have a repair plan.
RV Certification
RVs should have RVIA certification. RVIA certification states the rig complies with certain fire codes, which are important for the safety of our invitees. Occasionally, exceptions can be granted by Managers on a case-by-case basis for non-RVIA rigs which seem to conform to safety requirements and are of a design and style compatible with the park.
Recreational vs. Residence
Invitees shall not use their site as a permanent residence.
RV must be occupied overnight.
US mail is not allowed to be received.
Amazon, UPS and FedEx are allowed.
ATV/UTV/OHV/Buggy/Razor/Golf carts/Dirt bikes/Moped and everything else that is fully mechanically powered ……. and not a passenger car/truck/RV
They are to be driven only from your site to the highway on the established roadways. They are not allowed to be driven within the park.
And the rest of it……..
Campfires allowed in fire rings or pits only. No burning of trash or other debris.
Trash is to be placed in the dumpster by the machine shed
1 RV per site
Washing of vehicles in the designated area only
RV washing at the site is allowed, be respectful of your neighbors
Please contact management prior to performing any maintenance/repairs to your vehicles at your site
Outdoor clothes lines are not permitted.
Open display/carry of firearms is not allowed. They must be kept in your RV or vehicle at all times.
Water hoses MUST be disconnected from the spigot anytime during the months of December, January and February or anytime the temperature is forecast to be below 40℉ in Beattyville. Generally, this is November 1st to April 1st. You will be responsible for the cost to replace the spigot otherwise!
If you were wondering….. “Invitee” is a legal term in KY for a person where a monetary exchange has occurred. A “guest” does not have a monetary exchange for services.
Whew, that is a long list…
We truly want everyone to enjoy the experience Firefly Hills has to offer. Please contact management if you have any questions or concerns with this policy.
Thank you,
Firefly Hills Management